ECI was among the first companies nationally to do HVAC system integration. System integration is the process of integrating different protocols into on operator workstation such that the different protocols interact seamlessly. System integration allows the end user to choose the “best of the breed” of each of the different systems to go into their facility.
The three main open protocols currently used in HVAC and industrial controls are BACnet, Lon Talk, and Modbus.
BACnet is a gateway-to-gateway protocol supported by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers) and is the world standard for high level interfaces and interoperable management.
Lon Talk is a device level protocol created by Echelon Corporation for networking central devices via twisted pair and is part of the technology platform called Lon Works.
Modbus is a serial communications protocol published by Modicon and has become a de facto standard communications protocol in industry.
ECI has extensive experience with these open protocols as well as many proprietary protocols. Listed below are integrations ECI has successfully completed:
Control Systems- Staefa Predator and Raptor, Staefa Smart II, Delta Controls, CSI (Control Systems International), Johnson Controls, TAC (Tour Anderson Controls), TCS Basys Controls, Viconics, Trane Tracer, Andover, Honeywell Delta 1000, Honeywell System 500, Square D Modicon PLC, Crestron Home Automation
Chillers - Trane, York, Carrier, McQuay
Variable Frequency Drives - Square D, ABB, GE Fuji, Siemens, Yaskawa
Computer Room Units - Liebert
Watersource Heat Pumps - Trane, McQuay
Packaged A/C Units - Aaon, McQuay, Trane
Pool A/C Units - PoolPak
Humidifiers - Dri-Steem
Fire Alarm System - Siemens Pyrotronics
Lighting - Lightmaster, Delta
Electrical Power - Square D Power Logic, Liebert Static Switch, Powertrak Power Meters, Veris Power Meters, Russ Electric Auto Transfer Switch
Industrial Air Compressors - Sullaire, Atlas Copco